Patient Selfies
clock-icon   September 11, 2024

Can I Regrow My Hair Without Shampoo or Supplements?

There are a variety of home remedies suggested to help regrow lost hair, but very few have been rigorously tested and proven. Sometimes what you need is to avoid bad habits. Here we are going to explore some of the things that you can do to help with hair regrowth – and you can take that a step further by undergoing a hair restoration procedure with our ARTAS iX robotic system.

Proper Hair Care

How you care for your hair can greatly affect hair loss and hair growth:

  • Washing hair frequently does not cause hair loss due to shampoos. But you need to be careful how you handle your hair anytime it is wet, as this is when hair is most fragile and easily damaged.
  • Blow-drying and curling or straightening hair can lead to dry, damaged hair that is more likely to fall out.
  • Hair styling products such as gels, mousses, or hairsprays do not cause hair loss due to the chemicals they contain. Hair that gets stuck together due to styling products is at a higher risk of being lost when combing or brushing your hair.
  • Hair dying can cause temporary hair loss. Hair coloring contains chemicals that can damage hair which is then more likely to be lost.
  • While brushing your hair can be good for it, overly vigorous brushing can injure the follicles.
  • Hair styles that put too much tension on hair can lead to a type of hair loss called tension alopecia. Women who wear their hair pulled back tightly into a ponytail or bun daily can develop hair loss that mimics a receding hairline. Cornrows also place undue tension on hair which can lead to hair loss.

Luckily, with the right care, most hair will grow back, but it grows slowly. In fact, it goes through periods of time when it is resting, not growing. And the complete hair growth cycle includes a planned shedding phase.

What Helps Hair Grow?

You can find many helpful suggestions as to what can improve hair growth. Some of these include:

  • Regular scalp massages improve blood flow in your scalp. This brings more nutrients to your hair follicles which should improve hair growth. Hair may not necessarily grow faster but the hair that does grow has been shown to be thicker.
  • Avoiding nutritional deficiencies is important. This means eating a healthy diet that includes a variety of foods. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein are all important in helping hair follicles to function properly. Be sure you get enough iron, zinc, magnesium, and essential fatty acids as these are important to follicle health. Vitamin C is good for overall skin health and assists in iron absorption.
  • Avoid excessive intake of Vitamin A, Vitamin E, and selenium, as high intake levels of these three compounds have been linked to hair loss.
  • Drink plenty of water daily. Hydrating your scalp and hair follicles from within is important, and dehydration can lead to dryness, itchiness, and even hair loss.
  • The toxins in cigarettes can lead to aging skin and hair loss. Nicotine causes blood vessel constriction which decreases scalp blood flow, slowing hair growth. One study showed that smoking can damage the DNA in hair follicles, which in turn leads to abnormal or eliminated hair growth. Smoking leads to collagen breakdown which eventually leads to hair thinning and hair loss as well.
  • Overuse of alcoholic beverages can be bad for hair health as well. Alcohol consumption can lead to dehydration which, in turn, can lead to damaged hair that is more likely to be lost.

Many of the things that help hair growth are included in a healthy lifestyle. Remember, that each person is different and what works for someone else may not do much for your own hair growth.

Can I Regrow My Hair Without Shampoo or Supplements?

Overall, you can do many things to help your hair grow better. This may mean faster hair growth or it could just mean improved hair quality. Good basic hair care along with a healthy lifestyle is a great place to start when looking to regrow your lost hair. You also have the cosmetic option of the ARTAS iX hair restoration procedure, which individually removes and re-inserts hair from another part of your head to the targeted area. It is virtually painless and has a great success rate.

If you have questions about hair growth issues or wish to learn more about our robotic hair restoration technology, consider a consult with a member of our Med Spa at North Texas Plastic Surgery.

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