Sleep is an essential part of your health. Countless studies have shown adequate sleep improves your memory, helps you maintain a healthy weight, and even has some anti-aging benefits. Getting enough rest during tummy tuck recovery will help you heal quickly and optimally by promoting healing and protecting your immune system as abdominoplasty is an invasive surgery. You won’t be able to sleep on your side or your stomach during this process, which can be a difficult adjustment, but there are ways to improve your sleep quality while you recover.
Nuestro cirujano plástico certificado por la junta recomienda que los pacientes duerman boca arriba mientras se inclinan ligeramente hacia adelante para evitar ejercer presión o tensión sobre las incisiones. Puede crear un espacio de recuperación en su hogar en su sala de estar en un sillón reclinable o usando almohadas debajo de la cabeza y las rodillas en el sofá o la cama para ayudarlo a permanecer en la posición correcta mientras duerme. Necesitarás dormir así durante 4 a 6 semanas, así que invierte en un excelente soporte o almohadas contorneadas y prepárate lo mejor posible para descansar de esta manera.
Sleeping at an Incline Before Surgery
Algunos pacientes practican dormir inclinados en las semanas previas a la cirugía estética de abdomen para ayudar a que su cuerpo se acostumbre. La mini-abdominoplastia puede requerir menos recuperación, lo que significa que puede volver a su posición normal para dormir antes, pero solo después de que nuestro cirujano plástico le haya dado el visto bueno.
Your tummy tuck could part of a combination of procedures such as the Mommy Makeover that involves a form of breast surgery (a breast augmentation or breast lift), liposuction, and abdominoplasty. The recovery process may be more extensive but you’ll achieve your complete desired results with one surgery instead of three separate procedures that require anesthesia. For breast augmentation or breast lift, you’ll need to avoid putting pressure on your breasts to prevent jeopardizing your results. The breasts, particularly those with breast implants, need time to settle in so sleeping on your back will ensure the best outcome possible.
¿Por qué elegir un cirujano plástico certificado por la junta para su abdominoplastia?
Regardless of the form of plastic surgery you’re interested in, you’ll want to consult with and choose a plastic surgeon who is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS). The ABPS certification requires doctors to go through additional years of training, testing, and exams, which gives you, the patient, the best opportunity for success with your tummy tuck. Dr. Obaid has performed thousands of face, breast, and body procedures and can help you achieve your cosmetic goals for your stomach.
Una abdominoplastia puede tratar la piel flácida, la grasa persistente y eliminar las estrías en muchos casos. Ofrecemos tres tipos de abdominoplastias que van desde deshacerse de la piel suelta y la grasa del abdomen inferior hasta una abdominoplastia extendida de 360 grados que trata todo el abdomen y la parte baja de la espalda.
Programe su consulta de abdominoplastia en North Texas Plastic Surgery
If you’re interested in a tummy tuck, please contact us today. North Texas Plastic Surgery offers Virtual Consultations for patients who live outside the Dallas area.