While choosing the right plastic surgeon is always important, it is absolutely critical that you are more selective when choosing a surgeon to revise a pre-existing breast surgery. This is because scar tissue, previous damage to the delicate anatomy and potential ruptured implant materials provide for a very slim margin for error. Fortunately, the plastic surgeons at North Texas Plastic Surgery specialize in revision breast surgery for patients in Fort Worth and elsewhere, performing on average multiple revisions every day.
The FDA is very clear that breast implants are not meant to be lifetime devices. At some point in your life, you should expect that you will have to change the implants out. Fortunately, over 90% of breast implant ruptures can be detected with a simple ultrasound performed in our Fort Worth office or one of our many other locations across the DFW metroplex.
If you have started to have pain in your breast, have noticed a change in size, shape or location of your breast implants, or if your implants are approaching 10 years old, we recommend that you schedule an appointment for us to evaluate and possibly ultrasound your breast implants to ensure that all is well.
This 10-year mark is a critical number as the majority of silicone implants in the United States are warrantied from the manufacturer for 10 years. As a result, if you are approaching that 10-year mark, it is a good idea to have an ultrasound done so that you can detect any ruptures while you are still eligible for financial assistance from the manufacturer.
There are a few possible reasons why someone in Fort Worth might want a breast implant revision.
One of the most common reasons for breast implant exchange is a desire to change the size of the implants. Weight fluctuations, either up or down, may make the breast implants you originally had placed appear either too large or too small for your current goals. In this scenario, a simple implant exchange to a size that fits with your current lifestyle and figure can go a long way to improving your overall look.
While age takes a toll on all of our bodies, pregnancies and major weight fluctuations can significantly alter the position of a woman’s breasts. This is especially disconcerting for women who have breast implants as the native breast tissue can settle in a different place than the breast implants do causing the breasts to take on a distorted shape. A breast revision or breast lift surgery can get the native tissue and the breast implants lined back up again so that the breasts can have a more pleasing shape.
Over time, the pocket that your breast implants sit in can stretch causing one or both of the implants to move downward or out to the side. This can result in your nipple appearing too high or feeling very heavy if it moves downward. If it moves out to the side, the breast implants may feel or look like they are in your arm pits and you will lose your cleavage. A tightening of the breast implant pocket, known as a breast capsulorraphy, possibly paired with an internal bra made of a dissolvable mesh called galaflex, can solve these issues.
If you notice a change in the size, shape, feel, or appearance of your breasts or if you start experiencing pain in your breasts, you should have an ultrasound performed by one of our Fort Worth breast implant experts at North Texas Plastic Surgery to ensure that your implant is not ruptured. If it is, a breast implant exchange will make you feel and look better as well as protect the health of your breasts.
Our bodies naturally form a layer of scar tissue around breast implants called a breast implant capsule. Unfortunately, for some patients, the body will form a thick capsule around the implants which can be firm, tender, painful, and distort the position of the implant, often causing the breast implant to sit higher than the other side. A breast implant exchange with either the creation of a new pocket and possible removal of scar tissue can often reverse this process restoring you to beautiful, symmetric, soft breasts.
No matter what the reason is that you require breast revision surgery, set up a consultation with an experienced member of our team. We can discuss your concerns, examine and ultrasound your breasts, and propose a plan to improve how they look and feel. Your surgery will be done at our AAAASF certified in-office surgical facility. Do not delay any longer – if you are considering a breast revision in Fort Worth, we can help you with every consideration!