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Plastic Surgery for Men in Fort Worth

Plastic Surgery for Men in Fort Worth

More men than ever are having plastic surgery to regain their youthful appearance. Whether you want to improve your facial appearance or re-contour your waistline or chest to be more masculine, there is a range of plastic surgery procedures for men in Fort Worth.

A board-certified plastic surgeon from North Texas Plastic Surgery could help you achieve your desired look and boost your confidence. Schedule a consultation to discuss the wide range of plastic surgery options and how we can tailor them for your body and your lifestyle.

Common Body Procedures for Men

Men often look for chiseled, muscular contours to their body, in addition to reduced pockets of fat. We can work with men in Fort Worth to identify their areas of concern and suggest possible remedies through surgical intervention.

Breast Reduction (Gynecomastia)

Oversized breasts can make you uncomfortable and even limit your social life. You could reduce the size of your breasts with gynecomastia correction surgery. Our Fort Worth-based plastic surgeon will recommend the most appropriate procedure, depending on the amount of tissue there is to remove. If you are relatively healthy but uncomfortable with the appearance of your chest, you could be an ideal candidate for this procedure.

Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck is a great option for any man who wants to tighten their waistline. If you have tried diet and exercise but still have not achieved the waistline you desire, ask us about what is possible with a tummy tuck. This procedure tones your abdomen, giving you a more sculpted shape.


Liposuction targets areas with stubborn fat deposits, including the thighs, arms, hips, and abdomen. Prior to treatment, you might have to complete a weight loss program to reach your recommended weight. During a consultation with a plastic surgeon, they will check your body mass index and other factors to ensure that you are a suitable candidate for liposuction.

Facial Procedures for Men

Your face is the one area of your body that you cannot hide with clothing. If some aspect is giving you concern, we may be able to provide a permanent solution.

Chin Augmentation

Chin augmentation enhances the size and shape of your chin to give your face a balanced look – as well as making it appear stronger and more chiseled.

Although a chin implant could help you achieve your desired look, it is also possible to combine it with other procedures, such as rhinoplasty.

Facelift and Neck Lift

Our plastic surgeon will assess you and recommend the most appropriate type of facelift. Some of the factors they will consider are:

  • Age
  • Skin condition
  • Target area
  • Hairline
  • Facial hair

A traditional facelift could be the best option for you if the skin around your ears or hairline needs tightening.

A neck lift, meanwhile, could revitalize a man’s appearance if he has a wrinkled or fatty neck, neck bands, or a double chin. A neck lift can be a good compliment to a facelift, which is why many patients choose to get them together.


Rhinoplasty is the reshaping of the nose for either aesthetic or functional reasons. If you would like your nose to be smaller or more symmetrical, we can discuss the benefits of doing an open rhinoplasty.

Hair Restoration for Men

Hair loss is a common problem for men, especially as they grow older. Men in Fort Worth could get plastic surgery to restore hair growth by transplanting your own individual hair follicles onto balding areas from the back of your head using the ARTAS iX robotic hair restoration. Unlike previous methods, this technique is all about speed and accuracy.

Call Us to Discuss Plastic Surgery Procedures for Men in Fort Worth

Age and lifestyle may affect your appearance and self-confidence, thus affecting your social life. It doesn’t have to be this way. Plastic surgery procedures for men in Fort Worth are designed to make you look on the outside exactly how you feel on the inside.

If you are unhappy with your appearance, we are available to speak with you further. North Texas Plastic Surgery provides high-quality plastic surgery procedures tailored to your needs, so call us to schedule an appointment at our in-office surgical facility today.

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