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Tummy Tuck in Fort Worth

Tummy Tuck in Fort Worth

If you are concerned with excess skin, stretch marks from pregnancy, or weakened abdominal muscles, North Texas Plastic Surgery is your destination for correcting these issues and developing a body that you can be proud to show off. A tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) is a popular contouring procedure that is designed to shape and tighten the abdomen and eliminate loose, sagging skin and excess fat. Our board-certified plastic surgeons offer top-quality tummy tuck procedures in Fort Worth that deliver results to exceed your expectations. We can even offer a virtual preview of your results with our 3D Crisalix technology.

Who is a Good Candidate for a Tummy Tuck in Fort Worth?

A tummy tuck is ideal for patients aged 20 to 70 years old. Provided you are in generally good health, age should not deter you from this procedure. The following are some of the standard criteria we use to determine your suitability for a tummy tuck:

  • You have loose/sagging skin in the lower abdomen
  • You are in good physical and psychological health
  • You have realistic expectations about the results
  • You are committed to maintaining a healthy lifestyle
  • You are not planning on becoming pregnant in the future

We can discuss this with you, and much more, during a consultation, where our highly experienced plastic surgeons discuss the procedure in detail and explain the options available to you. The team then formulates a customized surgical plan for your tummy tuck based on your specific aesthetic goals and a physical examination. For women, a tummy tuck may also be performed as part of a mommy makeover package.

Potential Risks

As with all surgical procedures, there is a risk of bleeding, infection, blood clots, or lung-related illnesses from a tummy tuck, which is why our Fort Worth patients should be in the best shape possible. From an aesthetic standpoint, there is always the possibility that the scars do not fade or blend in as cleanly, or that too much or too little of the skin is removed. We will talk with you ahead of time about what your ultimate goals are.

The Tummy Tuck Process

This procedure is done under full anesthesia. A tummy tuck may often begin with removal of some extra fat in the abdomen using liposuction, for the purposes of getting the patient to the classic hourglass shape. This fat removal can go up to the underarms and even around the back for full body contouring.

During your procedure, the surgeon makes a horizontal incision just above the pubic area to ensure that the eventual scar will be well concealed. There will then be another incision around the navel to get rid of excess stretched skin above your belly button and reposition the area to deliver desired aesthetical appeal.

By using a local anesthetic called a TAP block, our surgeon can block the abdominal muscles in order to maximize your comfort in the recovery phase. The plastic surgeon will also reshape or reposition the belly button afterwards.

Fluid Drains After an Abdominoplasty

Our tummy tuck surgeons in Fort Worth use drains to expel any liquid that builds up in the body as a result of the liposuction phase of the procedure – that includes liquids the body secretes, as well as liquids we inject in order to aid the procedure. Additional Types of Tummy Tucks

We can also modify the type of tuck you receive. Some options include:

  • Mini tummy tuck- Adjusts a smaller area of the body, often a good choice for those who are already in fairly fit shape
  • Extended tummy tuck- The incision goes around the entire body, enabling us to cut down on the so-called “love handles”
  • Circumferential tummy tuck- Also known as a belt lipectomy, this trims away the skin buildup on the lower back as well as the front

For most patients in Fort Worth, a typical tummy tuck procedure takes two to three hours, meaning you can often go home the same day. A compression garment will help with the healing in the initial weeks of recovery. However, in some cases, we may schedule an overnight stay, depending on the complexity of the procedure or the health of the patient. You should expect to return to light work after a couple of weeks. Heavier exercise can begin after about six weeks.

What to Expect After a Tummy Tuck

You should expect your abdomen to be tight for the first one to two weeks after a tummy tuck. You should exercise by frequently walking around to minimize the risks of blood clots, and should drink a healthy amount of low-sugar liquids. We may also recommend placing a spirometer in the lungs to aid with breathing.

The results of a tummy tuck generally last for years, provided you lead a healthy lifestyle and maintain a stable weight. Weight fluctuations, especially those that are pregnancy-related, may cause abdominal skin to lose elasticity and begin sagging again. If this happens, you will need a second tummy tuck to address the renewed concerns. In order to preserve the results of your tummy tuck for longer, we recommend that you eat a balanced and nutritious diet, exercise regularly, and live an overall healthy lifestyle.

Will My Tummy Tuck Scar Noticeable?

Scarring cannot be avoided with tummy tuck surgery. However, because the incision for abdominoplasty is typically made low enough on the abdomen, it should be well concealed even when wearing beachwear. Applying a silicone-based product for several months after the tummy tuck can help reduce its prominence. Patients who are at risk of keloid scars can inject either kenalog or 5-FU. In addition, our Medspa team can also provide laser therapy to help the scar blend back in with the rest of the skin.

Can I Get Pregnant After a Tummy Tuck?

Although it is safe to get pregnant after a tummy tuck, it is recommended that you wait until after you are done having children before deciding to get the procedure. This is because pregnancy and childbirth will most likely re-stretch the skin and muscle tissues of your abdomen, thus reversing the results.

Contact Us About a Tummy Tuck in Fort Worth

Many people who are dissatisfied with their midsection because of lax muscles, loose skin, and fat deposits have benefitted from a tummy tuck procedure in our Fort Worth office. We perform nearly a thousand tucks per year and everyone from our plastic surgeons to our nursing staff know every element of this procedure. Schedule a consultation with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons today to learn more about this procedure and how it can be part of your greater body transformation.

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