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Surgery Center

Surgery Center

At North Texas Plastic Surgery, all surgical procedures are performed at our privately owned, AAAASF- certified office-based surgical facility. Our surgical center is comprised of four state-of-the-art surgical suites in our Southlake location. These surgical suites contain the most modern and advanced technologies to ensure safe and idealistic outcomes for our patients.  Our practice is comprised of highly-trained and educated staff including medical assistants, surgical technicians, and registered nurses who specialize in aesthetic surgery.

With safety as our ultimate goal, North Texas Plastic Surgery is state licensed and is accredited by the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAAASF). AAAASF was established in 1980 to improve and standardize the quality-of-care patients receive at ambulatory office-based surgical facilitys and is the “golden standard” of care. AAAASF grants accreditation only to facilities that meet 100 percent of these requirements and meeting this standard translates to optimal outcomes for our patients.

AAAASF mandates are as follows:

  • All facilities must adhere to hospital standards
  • Anesthesia professionals must be certified for deep levels of anesthesia
  • Surgeons must be board certified and have hospital rights
  • Facility must be compliant with local, state, and federal regulations including fire safety, building codes, and sanitation codes.
  • Facility must adhere to all federal regulations affecting operations such as OSHA blood pathogen and hazardous waste protocols and Americans with Disabilities Act
  • Peer oversight and reviews are done periodically and case data is tracked

Surgery at an outpatient office-based surgical facility has many advantages over a hospital-based procedure which include:

  • Cost-effectiveness
  • Convenience for the patient and surgeon
  • Consistency of staff
  • Personalized, intimate experience for the patient


Because safety is top priority at North Texas Plastic surgery, many of our patients undergo some form of pre-procedural clearance prior to surgery. Clearances vary depending on your age, medical history, body mass index, and the procedure you will undergo. Plastic surgery is essentially “elective” surgery, therefore we require our patients to be at “peak health” before undergoing a procedure.

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Real patient posing breast augmentation 
Real patient posing breast augmentation 
Real patient posing breast augmentation 
Real patient posing breast augmentation 
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