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Chemical Peels in Dallas and Plano

Chemical Peels in Dallas and Plano


Signs of aging and other skin conditions can cause frustration and embarrassment. A chemical facial peel is a great way to achieve beautiful, healthy skin without major lifestyle disruptions.

If you would like to learn if this treatment is the right solution for your aesthetic needs, please contact North Texas Plastic Surgery today to schedule a consultation. Our Medical Spa team has performed countless chemical peels for patients in Dallas, Southlake, Plano, and Fort Worth.

What Is a Chemical Peel?

A chemical peel is an effective way to revitalize your facial appearance by using acids of varying strengths to exfoliate the skin and promote fresh new skin cells. As one of the oldest skincare methods of the modern age, chemical peels provide valuable solutions to a variety of skin problems.

What Issues Can Chemical Peels Address?

For decades, facial peels have been used to treat a number of conditions, such as:

  • Fine lines
  • Wrinkles
  • Sun damage
  • Uneven pigmentation
  • Age spots
  • Acne scarring
  • Poor skin texture
  • Large pores

There are many benefits of chemical peels, and the types of peels offered at North Texas Plastic Surgery can safely address a wide range of facial skin issues.

The Illuminize Peel®

If you are thinking about getting a chemical peel for the first time, consider the Illuminize Peel®. This mild treatment combines resorcinol, salicylic acid, phytic acid with alpha-hydroxy acids to rejuvenate your skin with minimal irritation or peeling. Some of the benefits of this treatment include:

  • Can provide the skin with a healthier, more radiant glow
  • Gentle, superficial peel
  • Good for all skin types
  • Little to no downtime

The Vitalize Peel®

In addition to its ability to effectively rejuvenate the skin with beautiful results, this powerful peel is known for its reduced skin irritation and minimal downtime. The Vitalize Peel® can help you if you suffer from fine lines and wrinkles, pigmentation changes, sun damage, or melasma.

While some patients enjoy positive outcomes after just one skin peel, a series of three to six peels is recommended to achieve maximum results. The Vitalize Peel® is the preferred choice for many of our patients, thanks to benefits such as:

  • Minimal downtime
  • Improves the signs of aging, sun damage, hyperpigmentation, and a number of other issues
  • Good for all skin types

Am I a Good Candidate for a Chemical Peel?

Most healthy people are good candidates for chemical peels in Southlake, and the likelihood of complications is very rare. As always, it’s important to share a clear representation of your medical history before your treatment to ensure your candidacy.

Generally speaking, good candidates for chemical peels have superficial skin issues, such as fine lines and wrinkles, minor blemishes, and other imperfections.

Schedule a Free Consultation in Dallas, Plano, or Southlake for a Chemical Peel Treatment

The best way to determine if getting a chemical peel in Dallas, Plano, or Southlake is an ideal solution for your situation is to schedule a free consultation at North Texas Plastic Surgery. During your consultation, we will evaluate your skin, address your questions and concerns and recommend the best peel or alternative treatment for you. To learn more about your options and candidacy, please contact us today.

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