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Chin Reshaping in Dallas and Plano


Why Would a Patient Want Chin Reshaping?

The chin is one of the three key central elements of the face, along with the nose and eyes. True beauty requires a balance and proportion to these three central elements. Moreover, a chin that is out of proportion can be more than aesthetically unappealing, it can be associated with a number of stereotypes in our culture.

A chin that is too small can cause one to be perceived as weak, while a prominent chin, especially on a male may be perceived as a sign of strength or power. Too prominent a chin, however, especially on a female, can be unattractive and give one a “witch”-like appearance. If you want to learn more about chin reshaping in Dallas, speak with our facial plastic surgeons today.

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What Are the Reasons for an Out of Proportion Chin?

The reasons for an out of proportion chin are numerous. When you schedule a one-on-one consultation at North Texas Plastic Surgery, Dr. Obaid will examine your entire face and determine what the cause of the facial disharmony is.

One of the key elements in evaluating the chin is to evaluate the way a patient’s teeth come together. If this is off, this may be the underlying cause of the chin disproportion. If not it may be due to abnormal development of the chin. In either case, the patient should seek the evaluation of a craniofacial surgeon.

Are Chin Implants a Good Idea?

Chin implants are used to mask a small chin, and many surgeons will use them to improve a patient’s appearance. They are a relatively simple fix to the problem of a small chin, but they only cover up the problem temporarily.

With time, chin implants erode the already small bone of the chin that lie beneath them. The result is that as time goes by this bone becomes smaller and weaker. As the bone underneath the implant gets smaller and weaker, the implant itself moves backwards causing the return of a small appearing chin.

For these reasons, our plastic surgeon recommends correcting the actual problem, which is the small bone of the chin. The procedure involves making a small fracture of the bone and advances the chin bone itself, causing a natural correction of the problem.

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What Should I Expect After I Schedule My Consultation in Dallas, Plano, or Southlake?

Dr. Obaid will meet one on one with you at our Southlake or Plano office. He will discuss your concerns and goals and examine your chin. Afterward, he will explain the chin reshaping operation to you in detail. He will design a customized operation to fit your chin and your concerns. Our team will answer all of your questions and explain to you everything to expect on the day of surgery and during the recovery process.

On the morning of surgery, Dr. Obaid will meet with you again and go over everything that will happen. He will make sure that all your questions are answered as are the questions of your loved ones. The surgery itself is a day surgery procedure and you will be able to go home in the afternoon on the day of surgery. You will be able to eat and drink following the surgery.

You will return to our office one week following surgery to make sure you are healing well. All of your incisions will be inside the mouth with dissolving stitches. As a result, there will be no painful stitches to remove and no dressings to change. You will be looking good and feeling great about your new chin!

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Speak With Us About the Chin Reshaping Procedure in Dallas and Southlake

Find out if chin reshaping in Dallas is right for you by contacting North Texas Plastic Surgery for a free consultation. Complete the form on this page or call for an appointment at our office in Plano or Southlake. We welcome patients throughout the Dallas and Fort Worth areas.

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