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Sculptra in Dallas

Sculptra in Dallas

Sculptra® is an injectable dermal filler that can add significant volume to the face. Using the active ingredient poly-L-lactic acid, Sculptra works to increase the body’s natural production of collagen, allowing the treatment areas to gradually become fuller, softer, and more youthful in appearance.

Unlike other dermal fillers which may produce results quickly, Sculptra is designed to improve the appearance of the skin over several months. Initial softening of fine lines, deep wrinkles, and hollow areas of the face may occur within just a few short weeks, but full results from Sculptra can take two to four months to realize and ideal results may necessitate more than one treatment. However, Sculptra lasts significantly longer than many other dermal fillers. Treatment often continues to produce results for two or more years.

If you are curious about getting Sculptra in Dallas for your specific concerns, please call North Texas Plastic Surgery to schedule a consultation at our Southlake, Plano, or Dallas office today.

Sculptra Treatment Areas

Sculptra Dermal Fillers

Sculptra can be used to add volume to areas of the face that have become sunken-in or hollow such as the area underneath the eyes, the cheeks, and temples. It can also be used to add volume, eliminate fine lines, and diminish deep wrinkles throughout the face.

Common Sculptra treatment areas include:

  • Nasolabial Folds. Also called “smile lines,” nasolabial folds appear between the nose and the mouth
  • Marionette Lines. Also known as “laugh lines,” marionette lines frame the lips
  • Pebbly Chin. Chin wrinkles, creases, and hollowing

Sculptra can also be used to address loose jowls, helping to restore firmness and definition to the jawline.

It may take three to four treatment sessions to reach desired results with Sculptra. These will be spaced over the course of a few months with plenty of time in between to gauge effectiveness. During your time in our care, we will develop a treatment plan that addresses your concerns and meets your specific needs.

Are There Risks?

Sculptra is FDA-approved and considered safe for most people. The main ingredient, poly-L-lactic acid, is synthesized from lactic acid and has been used for medical purposes for more than 30 years. However, it is not safe for people who are allergic to any of the ingredients, including inactive ingredients, and may not be a good fit for people with medical conditions that impact scar formation.

During your initial consultation, we will carefully assess your areas of concern, review your medical history, and help you determine if Sculptra is a good choice for your needs.

Possible side-effects of Sculptra include:

  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Tenderness or pain
  • Bruising
  • Bleeding

These side-effects tend to occur right at the injection site and may remain for a few days. While it is extremely rare for side effects to last longer than one week, some patients may experience redness and bruising for two to three.

You can reduce your risk of long-lasting side-effects by following all of our pre and postoperative instructions. These may include ceasing some blood-thinning medications, avoiding nicotine, and using icepacks after treatment. We will work directly with you to make sure the steps taken are relevant to your needs and useful for your specific situation.

Natural-Looking Results

Sculptra produces natural-looking results over the course of several weeks. The filling of hollow areas and softening of lines and wrinkles will produce a noticeably more youthful appearance but, because results are gradual, you won’t look “overdone” or altered. This makes Sculptra perfect for men and women who want to look more naturally youthful, though limits its ability to drastically impact the appearance. During your initial consultation, we will listen to your concerns and provide information on all of the services that may prove useful for your needs.

Contact North Texas Plastic Surgery to Learn More

Is this procedure a good fit for your needs? Call North Texas Plastic Surgery to schedule a consultation and learn more about Sculptra in Dallas. We maintain offices in Southlake, Plano, and Dallas. We serve surrounding Dallas-Fort Worth area communities.

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