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6 Essential Questions to Ask Before a Brazilian Butt Lift
clock-icon   April 26, 2015

6 Essential Questions to Ask Before a Brazilian Butt Lift

By Sacha Obaid

Are you looking for a change and want to get a Brazilian butt lift? You should ask yourself some questions before choosing a surgeon. Some surgeons are better than others, so make sure you research your doctor’s track record. Who is your surgeon certified by? Is it the American Board of Plastic Surgery? Other certifications and accreditation exist, but this is a very reputable one.

Find out how many of these procedures your surgeon has performed, and make sure to ask for lots of photos of previous patients. Try to find at least 10 great examples of his previous surgeries on different body types, so you can see diverse examples.

Ask your surgeon how he performs the procedure, so you understand his technique. The procedure involves three basic steps: liposuction, fat processing, and fat re-injection. Each process is essential to the success of the procedure.

Find out how long the surgery will take. Each of the three steps is time-consuming. A typical Brazilian butt lift should take up to eight hours, depending on the amount of liposuction the surgeon performs. The fat processing can be performed simultaneously during liposuction.

Find out more important information here!

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