Patient Selfies
clock-icon   July 31, 2023

How Much Does a Tummy Tuck Cost?

Are you thinking about having a tummy tuck? If so, you’re probably considering how much the procedure is likely to cost. Since what you pay can be different depending on what kind of procedure you choose, as well as other factors, it’s helpful to look at how the cost of a tummy tuck breaks down.

Breaking Down the Costs of a Tummy Tuck

If you decide to have a tummy tuck, part of your surgical consultation will involve a discussion of the costs involved. You’ll also receive an itemized list of the different costs involved in your procedure, and you’ll be able to ask questions at your consultation. According to one consumer guide, the total cost of a tummy tuck, including all professional and facility fees and miscellaneous expenses, ranges from $7,475 to $17,650. The cost of the procedure commonly includes the following:

  • Surgeon’s fee
  • Anesthetist’s fee
  • office-based surgical facility fee
  • Garment you go home in
  • All follow-up visits

Your tummy tuck cost might also be different depending on how complicated your particular case is. In general, the more complicated a case is, the longer it’s likely to take, and the more it’s likely to cost. For instance, a standard tummy tuck removes excess skin above and below the belly button, whereas a mini tummy tuck only removes skin below the belly button, making it different in cost. An around-the-world or extended tummy tuck involves the removal of excess skin from the back as well as the abdomen; this surgery takes longer and is more expensive.

Surgeon’s Fee for a Tummy Tuck

Your surgeon charges a fee for their time and expertise. How much they charge for a tummy tuck depends on several things, like

  • Their level of experience
  • Their reputation as a surgeon
  • The location of their surgical practice and clinic (in some cases)
  • How long the surgery takes to complete – For instance, if your tummy tuck is a more complicated kind, like an around-the-world tummy tuck, your surgeon’s fee might be higher.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (most recent data), the average surgeon’s fee for a tummy tuck is $8,174.

Anesthetist’s Fee

The anesthetist for your surgery charges their own fee for their time and expertise. The amount they charge depends mostly on how long your procedure takes, as they typically charge on an hourly basis. You can also expect to pay a higher fee if your anesthetist is more experienced or highly-reputed. The anesthetist’s fee is charged on an hourly basis, with the total average cost ranging from $400 to $1,800.

Facility Fee

The facility fee is a charge that covers all the others expenses of the tummy tuck procedure, including the equipment and disposable items used in the surgery, as well as other running costs of the office-based surgical facility. The amount you pay in facility fees depends largely on:

  • How long your procedure takes
  • Where the procedure is performed
  • Whether you have an overnight stay

For a tummy tuck, the facility fee can range from around $1,200 on average for a simple tummy tuck performed in a surgeon’s clinic, to $10,000 for a hospital-performed procedure with an overnight stay.

Miscellaneous Tummy Tuck Costs – Prescriptions and Garments

The facility fee covers all the expenses relating to the procedure itself, but it doesn’t cover the cost of the pre-operative stage or your recovery period. Miscellaneous tummy tuck costs include things like prescriptions for pain medication and antibiotics and support or compression garments for wearing after the procedure. As well as this, your surgeon may order some pre-op medical tests. These can cost up to $500, depending on how many tests are ordered. The amount you pay for prescriptions depends on how many medications you’re prescribed. Most surgeons will prescribe painkillers and antibiotics, but some will also prescribe additional medications such as anti-nausea drugs and sleep aids. Your insurance might cover part or all of the cost of medications, even if the procedure itself isn’t covered. Finally, there are compression garments. A well-made garment, on average, can cost up to $350. Your surgeon may be able to provide or suggest a less costly alternative, but it’s vital to buy and use a compression garment to ensure that you recover from your tummy tuck properly.

How Location Affects Tummy Tuck Cost

We perform abdominoplasties (tummy tuck) in Texas. Where you live, or where you choose to have your procedure, can also affect how much your tummy tuck costs, on average. There are two main reasons for this.

  1. If you have your tummy tuck in a place where the cost of living is high, then the procedure will cost more. For instance, it typically costs more to have a tummy tuck in a city location than a suburban one.
  2. Highly qualified and experienced plastic surgeons tend to be located more often in cities. If you choose a surgeon with lots of experience and a great reputation, you’ll pay more for their expertise, as well as their location.

How to Pay for a Tummy Tuck in Texas

Most of the time, tummy tucks don’t qualify for insurance coverage, but in some situations the procedure is considered medically necessary. This is the case when excess abdominal skin causes problems like skin rashes and infections or when the weight of the excess skin causes back pain. North Texas Plastic Surgery offers a range of financing options, so if you need a little help to pay for the procedure you’ve been dreaming of, you can get it. Want to learn more about tummy tuck pricing through North Texas Plastic Surgery? Call today to schedule a free consultation, and get your questions answered!

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