Patient Selfies
clock-icon   March 11, 2021

Is Gynecomastia Reversible?

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Gynecomastia may “reverse” on its own, which is to say many cases of gynecomastia self-correct over time. This process can be assisted by dietary and exercise choices, which may also help prevent the issue from recurring.

Male breast reduction surgery remains a reliable way to address gynecomastia as well. With this option, excess fat and glandular tissue can be removed from the chest, restoring a firmer and more masculine appearance.

What is Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is a medical condition marked by excess fat or tissue in the male chest. Men with gynecomastia may appear to have woman-like breasts. They may also simply look undefined or unhealthy.

Gynecomastia may be caused by hormonal changes and is common in adolescent boys. In these cases, gynecomastia may diminish on its own. It can also be caused by weight gain, certain medications, illicit drug use, excessive alcohol consumption, steroid use, and more. In these cases, both lifestyle changes and surgical intervention may be needed to correct the issue.

Male Breast Reduction

When excess fat is at the root of gynecomastia, liposuction can be used to permanently remove it from the chest. If glandular tissue is contributing to your condition, surgical excision may be needed as well. At North Texas Plastic Surgery, both of these techniques are performed by board-certified plastic surgeons in our private, AAAASF internationally accredited surgical facility where your safety and comfort are top priorities. Honest, upfront, and experienced, our plastic surgeons are here to listen to your concerns and guide you towards the most beneficial solutions.

Are You a Good Candidate for Gynecomastia Reversal?

Good candidates for male breast reduction are:

  • In generally good health and free of underlying conditions
  • At a stable weight for at least six months
  • Non-smokers and non-drug users
  • Prepared for a surgical procedure
  • Able to take time to recover
  • Willing to follow all of our instructions

The best candidates for male breast reduction are men who have realistic goals and expectations. During your initial consultation, we will provide honest information about male breast reduction and likely outcomes to help you determine if it is the right solution for your needs.

Please call North Texas Plastic Surgery to schedule your consultation today.

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