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clock-icon   February 7, 2019

Lip Fillers 101: Which One Suits You Best?

Everyone wants perfectly kissable lips, but aging decreases the amount of hyaluronic acid in lips which also takes away its volume and elasticity. It’s not uncommon for people to seek lip treatments that offer quick results without the downtime, but there are some points a patient must consider before choosing the procedure that can deliver the best results.

Lip injections, lip fillers, or dermal fillers all make use of hyaluronic acid to improve shape and volume in different areas of the lips. Well-known options include BeloteroJuvedermVolbella and Restylane. Here’s a quick runthrough of these four so you can choose the one that best suits your needs.

Lip Filler Upsides

Belotero, Juvederm, Volbella and Restylane all share a powerful main component: hyaluronic acid (HA) gels. Every injection lasts only a few minutes, and results from all four fillers can be seen instantly.

Belotero and Volbella brings subtle and very natural results, while Restylane and Juvederm offer more noticeable results. These four fillers promise less bruising, allergic reactions, and swelling as compared to other lip augmentation procedures and require no downtime.>

Lip Filler Downsides

There may be chance of bruising, redness, swelling, and tenderness after administration of these fillers. Certified and experienced health providers can carry out the procedure without running the risk of allergic reactions, infections, lumps, lip asymmetry, or prolonged bruising or swelling.

How It’s Done

Juvederm, Volbella and Restylane fillers contain lidocaine, which helps in reducing pain when injections are performed. In addition to lidocaine, you will also be provided with a prescription strength topical cream before any lip injection which decreases discomfort to a minimum.

These lip filler procedures are carried out in a series of tiny injections in the lips and along its perimeter. The amount of fillers and injections administered may vary depending on your desired results.

Comparing Safety and Efficacy

The lip fillers we are using at North Texas Plastic Surgery were approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA):

  • Belotero Balance in 201
  • Juvederm Volbella in 2016
  • Juvederm Ultra XC & Juvederm Ultra Plus XC in 2010
  • Restylane in 2011

Results from Belotero Balance can last from six to eight months, Juvederm Ultra XC & Juvederm Ultra Plus XC results can last from nine to 12 months, Juvederm Volbella results last from nine to 12 months, and Restylane results can last from nine to 12 months.

Whichever lip filler you choose, always consult with a trusted and experienced health provider whose background and expertise can give you your desired results.

Our registered nurses will be happy to walk you through any lip augmentation procedure under the supervision of our plastic surgery experts, Dr. Sacha Obaid. You can find us in Dallas, Plano, or Southlake Texas. Schedule a free consultation by contacting us through phone at 972-627-4175 or via our online appointment form.


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