Patient Selfies
clock-icon   May 3, 2019

Dallas Plastic Surgeon Offers Virtual Consult for Out of Town Patients

At North Texas Plastic Surgery, we have three convenient locations in Plano, Dallas, and Southlake, but some of our patients live outside the area and may not want to travel just for a consultation. Our board-certified plastic surgeon offers Virtual Consults, so you can learn more about your desired procedure and find out if it’s right for you without leaving your home.

The Virtual Consults is just as thorough as our in-office plastic surgery consultation and carries a $200 fee, which is then credited to your procedure. We commonly get requests about breast augmentationtummy tucks, and liposuction. The process is simple:

  1. Fill out the online form: Tell us which procedure(s) you’re interested in and be as detailed as possible about what you’re looking to improve or enhance about your figure.
  2. Take up to four photographs: Dr. Obaid won’t be able to accurately assess your candidacy for say, a mommy makeover, without seeing photos first. You can upload up to four using the confidential online form. We ask that you take these images with a solid background such as a white wall.
  3. Set up a phone call: Once our staff receives your form, we will review the information and reach out to you to schedule a phone call to discuss your options.

Ideally, we would do all consultations at one of our office locations, but we understand that many people have busy schedules with work and children and living far from the Dallas area makes it difficult.

If you’re interested in a face, breast, or body surgery, fill out our Virtual Consults form or call us today at 972-627-4175 to see if plastic surgery is right for you and your cosmetic goals. North Texas Plastic Surgery serves patients in Plano, Southlake, Dallas, and nearby Texas areas.

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