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Breast Augmentation with Fat Transfer in Dallas and Plano

Breast Augmentation with Fat Transfer in Dallas and Plano

(Actual Patient)


There is often a preconception that women who want larger breasts are just doing so for attention or vanity. At North Texas Plastic Surgery, we know that isn’t the case. We understand that women who wish for larger breasts do so because they want to increase the confidence they have in themselves and to embrace their femininity; to look and feel good in their skin. And we’re here to help.

We offer breast augmentation with fat transfer at our Dallas office for a natural approach to increase the size and shape of your breasts. Led by our Harvard-trained, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Sacha Obaid, he can help you achieve an enhanced appearance to boost not only your bust line but your self-esteem as well.

If you’d like to learn more about breast augmentation with fat transfer, contact us today by filling out the form on this page or by calling us to schedule your free consultation. We happily provide quality breast surgery procedures to those who live in and near Dallas, Plano, Southlake, and Fort Worth.

What is Breast Augmentation with Fat Transfer?

A breast augmentation with fat transfer is a surgical procedure that reshapes your breasts into the shape and size you desire by using your body’s own fat. In recent years, breast augmentations with fat transfer have increased in popularity due to advances in surgical technology, providing women with a more natural alternative to other types of breast augmentation, such as the more commonly known method of breast augmentation with implants.

This procedure is considered a more natural alternative to breast implants because it increases your breast size using your own body fat rather than synthetic fillers or objects. In addition, it has the added benefit of reducing the size of other parts of your body, like your tummy, love handles, thighs, or buttocks using liposuction.

This natural breast augmentation can help those who are looking to address cosmetic issues such as:

  • Small breasts due to genetics
  • Asymmetrical breasts
  • Decreased breast size or shape due to pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • Decreased breast size or volume due to significant weight loss
  • Decreased breast size, shape, or volume due to aging

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Is a Breast Fat Transfer Right for Me?

Fat transfer is a great option for women who have lost breast volume due to weight loss or pregnancy and have a few “trouble spots” elsewhere that they’d like to correct. There are some women who wish to have larger breasts but are less than thrilled to have synthetic objects in their body. This natural boob job is a great solution for those who like to live their lives as naturally as possible.

It’s also a great opportunity to address troublesome areas of fat around your body. Working with our board-certified plastic surgeon, you can let him know about which areas of the body you have that have stubborn pockets of fat that don’t respond to diet and exercise. This two-fold approach tackles multiple issues at once to help you feel great about the way you look.

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Am I a Good Candidate for Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation?

If you’re interested in both liposuction and moderate breast enhancement, a breast augmentation with fat transfer may be the right choice for you. The first step is to set up a free consultation at our offices in Dallas, Southlake, or Plano.

During your consultation at North Texas Plastic Surgery, you’ll learn about your options and discuss your body shaping goals. Our plastic surgeon will examine, measure, and analyze your body. He will let you know whether a fat transfer breast augmentation is the right procedure for you and talk to you about the pros and cons based on your health history, body type, lifestyle, and goals. We will also provide you with a 3-D image of what you can expect your breasts to look like after the procedure.

Beyond determining your goals and evaluating your body, Dr. Obaid will make sure that you’re healthy enough for the procedures. Since liposuction is used to remove the fat from your body, the same qualifications for liposuction candidacy apply to the breast augmentation with fat transfer. At North Texas Plastic Surgery, our goal is to provide you with exceptional results while keeping your safety in mind.

Ideal candidates for this procedure include those who:

  • Are at or near a healthy weight
  • In good overall health
  • Have firm, elastic skin and good muscle tone
  • Have no serious illnesses or diseases
  • Are not taking any medications that inhibit the healing process
  • Are not on any blood-thinning medications
  • Are not smokers or those who can quit for a period before, during, and after the procedure

The limiting factor for most patients in deciding whether or not they want to use their own fat as an alternative to breast implants is really two-fold:

  • Whether they have enough fat to give
  • Whether or not they have enough breast tissue to start with in order for the fat to have a “home” when we transfer

In general, the best patient for fat transfer to the breast is a woman who has a fair amount of breast tissue to start with, who has a fair amount of extra fat in an unwanted area, and who, at the end of the day, wants a small augmentation. Conversely, a woman who has very little extra fat to give or who has very little breast tissue to start with is going to get a much better result from breast implants.

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Pros and Cons of the Surgery

As with any plastic surgery procedure, there are clear advantages and disadvantages when compared to other related treatments. We believe that everyone should understand all the information available to them so that they can make the best-educated decision for their aesthetic goals. Dr. Obaid will help you on this journey so that the best procedure is chosen to give you the results you desire.

There are some clear advantages for natural breast augmentation compared to implants, these include:

  • Doesn’t involve any artificial or synthetic materials
  • Produces a more natural look and feel
  • Eliminates complications such as implant rupture, rippling or wrinkling, and capsular contracture
  • Virtually no scarring as fat is injected into the breast via a small needle
  • Removes unwanted fat from other body areas
  • Breast symmetry can be more easily achieved

As with any procedure, there are potential downsides to this method, which include:

  • The permanency of fat that is transferred varies by individual and can be anywhere from 50-80%
  • Results of implants can be more predictable
  • This method can be more expensive
  • May require multiple procedures to achieve desired results

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Undergoing the Procedure in Dallas, Southlake, or Plano

The breast augmentation with fat transfer procedure is a relatively straightforward procedure. Our plastic surgeon uses his extensive experience with advanced liposuction techniques to make the fat removal process as safe and pain-free as possible. After the fat is removed, this method is less involved than traditional breast augmentations with implants as the fat is just injected into the breast, rather than needing a large incision and placing an implant over or under your muscles.

The breast augmentation with fat transfer procedure is generally performed as follows:

  • First, gentle liposuction removes fat from parts of your body like your thighs, abdomen, and love handles by using fine cannulas
  • The fat is processed in a sterile environment to remove impurities and liquids
  • It’s then injected into your breasts to achieve the desired size, volume, and shape

Breast augmentation with fat transfer is an outpatient surgery where you can usually return home the same day. The entire procedure is done while you are asleep.

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Results and Aftercare

Depending on your current chest measurement and breast cup size, you’ll most likely see an increase of 1 to 1.5 bra cup sizes. Since your breasts are mostly fat to begin with, adding more is usually the softest and most natural feeling way to enhance your breast size.

Post-procedure, most patients can resume moderate activity and take showers as usual. Many go back to work within a few days. The normal recovery time is a week or less. For a few days, you may experience some bruising and swelling in the breast area but should experience very little pain. The areas that had liposuction may feel sore, and your plastic surgeon will prescribe mild pain medication to alleviate this.

One of the biggest advantages to using your own fat to augment your breasts is that, unlike implants, the fat does not need to be changed out in the future. Once your transferred fat cells become fully incorporated into their new environment, they never need to be removed or replaced. It will take a few months for the final result to be seen, but once the fat has “taken,” you’ll be a shapelier you for good.

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Talk to Our Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon in Dallas About Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation

At North Texas Plastic Surgery, we believe in giving you options when it comes to enhancing your beauty. Dr. Obaid and his staff also believe in using the most advanced methods and technologies to help you achieve the results you desire so you can trust that when you come to our office you’re getting exceptional quality to produce amazing results.

If you want to find out if breast augmentation with fat transfer is right for you, please call North Texas Plastic Surgery at today to arrange a free consultation. Dr. Sacha Obaid welcomes patients to our offices in Dallas, Southlake, and Plano.

Fat Transfer – A fat transfer is a simple concept: Fat is removed from areas of the body where it is unwanted and transferred to areas where rejuvenation is desired. Liposuction removes the excess fat with suction through small incisions; then the fat is injected into areas of enhancement, like the face, breasts, and buttocks.

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