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clock-icon   January 28, 2019

Am I a Candidate for BBL?

The Brazilian Butt Lift, also known as the BBL, increases the size of your buttocks and creates a pleasing contour to address cosmetic concerns and give you a shapelier bottom. Your buttocks may be small or flat due to genetics, but factors such as age and rapid weight loss can cause a flat, droopy backside. The BBL continues to grow in popularity after celebrities (including Kim Kardashian) brought the procedure into the public eye. Our board-certified plastic surgeon offers the BBL and butt implants to add volume and improve the shape of your buttocks.

Candidates for the Brazilian Butt Lift should meet these criteria:

  • You’re in Good Overall Health: The BBL procedure requires you to go under general anesthesia, and certain medical conditions can cause anesthesia complications as well as some medications. These issues can also impact the healing process.
  • You Have Enough Extra Fat in Other Areas: The BBL involves removing fat from another area of your body through liposuction. That unwanted fat is typically taken from the abdomen, love handles (flanks), hips, and back. Our plastic surgeon may need to remove three to four times the amount of fat that you ultimately want in the buttocks because your body will likely reabsorb some of the fat. Candidates for the BBL must have enough fat in “donor” places to complete the procedure.
  • You’re at a Stable Weight: Gaining or losing weight after your Brazilian butt lift may negatively impact your results.
  • You Have Realistic Expectations: Not every patient will see the results that celebrities have achieved with the BBL. Dr. Obaid will discuss what we can accomplish for your buttocks and body shape during your initial consultation.
  • You’ve Tried Diet and Exercise: Diet changes typically don’t change the size of your buttocks for the better. You’ll likely lose volume and may be left with sagging skin. However, some exercises may be able to help you reach a rounded, shapelier butt. If you’ve tried that method with little to no results, a BBL might be right for you.
  • You Don’t Smoke or Drink Heavily: Smoking impacts your ability to heal and may increase risks of certain complications. Alcohol also impedes the recovery process. You’ll need to abstain from both habits for several weeks before and after your Brazilian Butt Lift.
  • You Don’t Have Excess Sagging Skin: If you struggle with sagging skin on your buttocks and upper thighs, you may be more interested in a lift procedure that removes the excess skin tissue. The BBL can be combined with other plastic surgeries.
  • Your Buttocks Lack Volume or Shape: The BBL is best for those who have a flat butt or buttocks that are not as round as you’d like.

There are different options for increasing size and reshaping your buttocks. The BBL is often the best choice for our Dallas patients, but sometimes, buttock implants are the better option. Our plastic surgeons offer oval, silicone buttock implants that are placed using an incision in the buttock crease.

Schedule Your BBL Consultation in Dallas

If you’re interested in a Brazilian Butt Lift, please contact Drs. Obaid at North Texas Plastic Surgery in Dallas today at 972-627-4175. We provide plastic surgery and medical spa treatments and procedures to patients in the Fort Worth, Texas area including Plano, Southlake, and Dallas.

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