Patient Selfies
clock-icon   April 28, 2015

I Want a New Butt! Should I Choose Butt Implants or Fat Transfers?

By Sacha Obaid

Is your backside lacking the fullness or perkiness you wish it had? Are endless rounds of squats just not giving you the results you want? If you answered yes to these questions, it may be time to consider butt implants or fat transfers to finally achieve the backside of your dreams.

Why Consider Butt Implants?

Butt implants are small silicone implants that can be inserted directly underneath your gluteus maximus muscle. The implants are soft and malleable and are typically considered comfortable. They can make your butt appear larger, rounder, perkier, and firmer.

What’s Recovery Like?

The procedure typically results in a recovery time of approximately four weeks. While implants can be removed if a patient wants them to be, they are most often permanent. Removal requires another surgical procedure.

Why Consider Fat Transfers?

Butt augmentation through fat transfers is known in the cosmetic surgery world as the “Brazilian butt lift” and is very popular. This procedure involves removing small bits of fat from your own body and injecting them directly into your buttocks.

What’s Recovery Like?

The recovery time for a Brazilian butt lift is usually shorter, and, typically, patients are back to work in as little as one week. Not only that, but patients can usually resume all of their regular activities after three or four weeks. During those three weeks, patients are required to wear a compression garment to keep swelling to a minimum. This garment is easily hidden underneath clothing and can be very comfortable to wear.

When considering a fat transfer, you should be aware that a minority percentage of patients who undergo the procedure can reabsorb some of the fat transfers into their bodies, thereby losing the full effects of their surgeries. But don’t worry! If this does occur, the procedure can be completed again in order to regain the results you want.

How to Choose?

If you’ve been dreaming about having a larger, perkier, firmer backside, then butt implants and fat transfers are both good options! A fat transfer is the more common procedure, as it’s

  • Simple
  • Requires less downtime
  • Includes liposuction to remove fat where it’s unwanted in addition to a transfer to the desired location

The patient’s final appearance can also be altered and enhanced with a few more injections. When making your decision between the two procedures, consider the downtime for each as well as what you want from your results. By weighing the pros and cons of each procedure and understanding the differences between the two, you can make the decision that’s right for your body!

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