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Eyelid Surgery Aftercare in Dallas and Southlake

Eyelid Surgery Aftercare in Dallas and Southlake

An eyelid surgery, also known as a blepharoplasty, can restore and reawaken your upper eyelids, lower eyelids, or both, to give you a refreshed appearance. North Texas Plastic Surgery specializes in eyelid surgery to give our patients a revitalized and more youthful appearance by expertly targeting the signs of aging in the eye area, which can dramatically improve the appearance of your whole face.

Over the years, we have performed countless eyelid surgery procedures. and many of our patients ask us about what the post-operation recovery phase will be like. Here, we discuss some of the most important considerations for eyelid surgery aftercare in Dallas, Plano, and Southlake. Our Board-certified and Board-eligible plastic surgeons are committed to your comfort and safety, which is why we make sure you know exactly what to expect.

Eyelid Surgery Aftercare–What Do I Need To Know?

We offer complete pre- and post-operative instructions to our Dallas patients well before their eyelid surgery procedure, during the initial consultation. However, because the eyelids are a sensitive part of the body and can affect your vision, many people want to know what is involved before they even set up a consult. The following are some of the most important general considerations you should follow as you heal from your eyelid surgery.

The First Two Weeks

The healing period for your eyelid surgery will be approximately two weeks. However, aftercare officially begins from the moment your procedure is finished. You should have someone drive you home immediately following your surgery when you are cleared to leave, as your eye area may be bandaged. Ensure that you get plenty of rest, and maintain a healthy diet. Staying hydrated is essential as you may feel dryness in the eye area as you heal.

You will be required to sleep with your head elevated (aim for approximately 45 degrees of elevation). Do not sleep face down.

Things to Avoid

During your two-week healing period, avoid any activity that will raise your blood pressure, including strenuous activities like working out. Clean your incisions with soap and water daily to reduce the chance of infection. Your eyes may be extra sensitive to the sun, so it is important to avoid the sun where possible, and wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from sun exposure. You will be prescribed pain relief medication, and you may be required to use eye drops to lubricate your eyes while you heal. You should not smoke cigarettes or use any tobacco products in this time, and you should try to avoid other smokers. You may also be advised to stop alcohol consumption for a period as you heal, especially if you are using pain medication.

Aftercare Timeline

If patients in Dallas/Southlake follow these aftercare instructions for eyelid surgery, they should be able to:

  • Surf the internet, watch TV, and read the next day
  • Return to most types of in-person work in 10-14 days (you can do non-physical work from home almost immediately)
  • Wear contact lenses after two weeks
  • Return to the gym and strenuous activities after two to three weeks

Maintaining Your Results

Here are some tips we offer to our patients to help them maintain their beautiful eyelid surgery results:

  • Maintain a healthy diet
  • Have a good skincare routine
  • Avoid the sun where possible and wear plenty of sunscreen
  • Avoid smoking

If you follow these guidelines, along with all personalized guidance offered to you by our medical team, you can reasonably expect a smooth recovery and enjoy your eyelid surgery results for years!

Call Us for More Information About Eyelid Surgery Aftercare in Dallas and Plano

From the initial consultation to the follow-up, we will be with you every single step of the way. You can trust North Texas Plastic Surgery, not only for your eyelid/blepharoplasty procedure, but also for exceptional eyelid surgery aftercare in Dallas and Southlake.

To learn more about what is involved in a blepharoplasty or what your recovery will be like, connect with our elite team and schedule a consultation.

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