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Sciton BBL Treatment in Dallas and Southlake

Sciton BBL Treatment in Dallas and Southlake

Many people who live in Texas slowly develop signs of skin damage due to sun exposure. While trying to limit exposure and using good sunscreen products can help, you can still end up with damage to your skin. BroadBand Light (BBL) therapy from Sciton, which we offer at our Med Spa, can help rejuvenate your skin and rid you of much of the skin damage. It is also great for treating rosacea, “excess” freckles, acne scars, and large pores. BBL can reduce hyperpigmentation and skin redness while creating a more even and younger looking complexion!

What is BBL From Sciton?

BroadBand Light is a very powerful form of Intense Pulsed Light (IPL). The light energy delivered via BBL gently heats the upper (outer) layers of your skin, where pigmented cells and blood vessels will be targeted and damaged. This sets off repair in that area of your skin. The new tissue that is generated will have much less pigment than the cells that were killed, and new small blood vessels will be much thinner and less noticeable.

The repair response can also help to decrease fine wrinkles with the new collagen and elastin production that will come from the light stimulation.

BBL is not a laser treatment, which is much more focused and contains a single wavelength. The BBL wand applies a broad spectrum of light to your skin, allowing us to filter it in several different ways to treat your conditions.

What to Expect With Your Sciton BBL Treatments

We offer the Sciton BBL laser at all of our locations, including Southlake, Plano, Frisco, and Dallas. We can apply a topical anesthetic on the areas that are to be treated. Some patients report a “rubber band snap” sensation as the light is absorbed by the targeted problem areas, though it is rare that this is enough to pause a treatment. The length of the appointment will depend on what areas are being treated:

  • The original BBL for face, neck, and chest will last about an hour
  • BBL Hero for small or large spots on the body or hands will take 30 to 60 minutes
  • BBL Hero for the full arms, full legs, or full back will take about 2 hours

Once your treatment is finished, you can return to your regular schedule. We will apply sunscreen to your treated skin before you leave and you can apply makeup immediately.

  • Your face may appear a little redder and feel warmer than usual but that will fade quickly.
  • Swelling is rare, but if it does happen, a cool pack will help.
  • Pigmented areas or lesions can darken at first and peel off. It is important to leave these areas alone and not pick off the skin that will come off on its own.

Results and Follow-Ups

Our patients report seeing visible improvement after only one to two sessions, which is much quicker than with older traditional IPL technology. Most patients plan to do multiple treatments, proving your overall success. In the beginning, you can space treatment sessions out every two to four weeks, and at each one we will examine the changes made so far. If we feel that something needs to be changed about the treatments to improve the results further, we will discuss this with you and make the necessary changes.

Once you reach your desired look you will want to schedule follow up treatments to help keep your skin the way you would like it. How often you come in for maintenance treatment sessions will depend on how long you feel the results last.

What Makes BBL Hero Different?

BBL Hero is a state-of-the-art in intense pulsed light equipment which we also offer in our Southlake, Plano, Frisco, and Dallas locations. Sciton’s revolutionary pulsed light device features Intelligent Control (IC) and Skin Positioning System (SPS) technology which takes the guesswork out of every treatment. You will have consistent treatments every time and your visits may even be shorter – a vast improvement! The handheld device has advanced cooling technology that ensures a comfortable treatment session.

This newest version of BBL can be used to treat large areas like your back, as well as arms, legs, and chest. It even works well on hands, decreasing the hyperpigmentation and increasing collagen production.

Call and Schedule a Consultation Regarding Sciton BBL Treatment and BBL Hero in Dallas or Southlake

If you are looking for the best photorejuvenation therapy: you must check out the Sciton BBL treatment, available in any of our 5 offices across DFW, including Dallas, Plano, Southlake, and Frisco. It is one of the safest and quickest ways to correct visible signs of sun damage. It also works quickly to ease rosacea and to decrease areas of hyperpigmentation.

Make an appointment with us soon and our aesthetic practitioners will work with you on a great treatment plan to regain clearer looking skin!

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